Wednesday 18 January 2012

Tuesday 17th January

Hello everyone,

We finish lesson 5 with an activity from a photocopy "Sandwich bar".With this photocopy students revise the food and the prices. They first listen to a boy reading a menu from a sandwich bar, then they complete the menu with the missing information. After that, they listen to a woman decribing how to prepare a chicken sandwich and they have to practise the new structures inventing a new sandwich and telling it to their partners.
After these exercises, we start unit 6. Students are going to study how to tell the time in English. They first learn how to tell the digital time. They ask their classmates the question:
What time is it?
ANd they answer :
In the digital time we first tell the hour and then the minutes, for example:
  9:45- It's nine forty-five
  10:15 - It's ten fifteen
  04:30 - It's four thirty
  03:00 - It's three o'clock

Students practise asking and telling the time in ex. 2, p.40; and with a photocopy where they have to complete the clocks with the times their classmates tell.

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