Wednesday, 19 December 2012
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!
18th December
Durante la clase de hoy, continuamos trabajando el vocabulario de las rutinas. Para ello preguntamos a nuestros compañeros sobre su día a día, utilizando expresiones como:
Friday, 14 December 2012
13th December
En la clase de hoy trabajamos principalmente cómo pedir y dar la hora en inglés. De dos formas: tanto analógica como digital.
En la digital, la siguiente hora 13.25, se lee: "It's one twenty-five".
Mientras que en reloj analógico, se leería: "It's twenty-five past one".
Realizamos varios ejercicios de refuerzo que podéis descargaros en el siguiente enlace: What's the time?, y visualizamos unas diapositivas de relojes británicos.
En el libro, realizamos los ejercicios de comprensión oral (t6.1) y (t.6.3). En el primero escuchaban y escribían las horas que entendían, y en el segundo, debían rodear la hora que mencionaba la protagonista.
Wednesday, 12 December 2012
11th December
Hoy hemos trabajado la estructura en inglés: adjective+ noun
Con el uso de las nacionalidades, los alumnos tuvieron que realizar frases en las que aparecieran los siguientes verbos: drink, have and eat, seguidos de la estructura anteriormente explicada. También practicaron la construcción de preguntas en presente simple y las respuestas cortas.
A continuación ,realizamos una comprensión auditiva (t.5.13) en la que los alumnos debían identificar las frases pronunciadas por uno de los personajes y realizar un diálogo similar con información inventada por ellos.
Para acabar, estudiamos los números del 31 al 999 (t.5.14) y los pusimos en práctica al estudiar cómo preguntar y dar el precio de las cosas(t.5.15, t.5.16,t5.17)
WB UNIT 5, EX.11-22
Wednesday, 5 December 2012
4th December
En la clase de hoy hemos trabajado más formas verbales en presente simple. Estudiamos los verbos más comunes en inglés y el tipo de complementos que los acompañan.
Los alumnos, leyeron y escucharon un texto acerca de Colin.(5.7) Tras lo cual, debían señalar los verbos en presente y realizar construcciones similares pero con ejemplos personales.
A continuación realizamos una comprensión lectora (5.8) con la que los alumnos debían completar los espacios en blanco de unas frases.
En otra audición, escuchaban 4 conversaciones diferentes y debían identificar a los participantes y deducir dónde tenían lugar dichas conversaciones (5.9).
Por último, revisamos la gramática del artículo indeterminado en inglés (a/an) y realizamos un ejercicio oral en el que los alumnos opinaban acerca de sus compañeros y a continuación debían preguntar a dicho compañero si sus deducciones eran acertadas o no, todo esto utilizando los verbos más comunes en inglés.
Homework: WB Unit 5, ex.4-10
Friday, 30 November 2012
29th November
Después iniciamos una nueva unidad (unit 5). Los alumnos comenzaron a trabajarla con un ejercicio de "match". Debían unir los dibujos con las palabras que los representaban.
Tras este ejercicio, aprendieron a expresar gustos en inglés mediante la estrucutra "I like..."
También a expresar aquello que no te gusta, mediante "I don't like..." y por último a preguntar sobre sus gustos "Do you like...?"
Para reforzar las estructuras gramaticales realizamos varias audiciones. En una de ella (T.5.4) debían completar un texto con los gustos de Harvey y en la segunda completar una tabla con los de Harvey y Eva además de anotar los adjetivos que utilizaban para describir sus preferencias (T5.6).
Homework: WB unit 4, ex.12-17
Unit test 4, skills test 4
Thursday, 29 November 2012
Clases hoy jueves
Hola a todos,
En principio hoy sí tenemos clase, voy a intentar llegar, si veo que se pone fea la cosa, doy media vuelta y os aviso por el blog. Estad pendientes.
Un saludo,
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
27th November
Hoy hemos trabajado principalmente la forma verbal "to have". Para ello, completamos una actividad pendiente de la sesión anterior, escuchamos un audio-dictado, en el que los alumnos debían completar unas frases con la información que se les daba (t.4.9).Tras el audio los alumnos hablaron sobre sus familias utilizando oraciones con el verbo "have".También realizamos una práctica gramatical de completar los espacios en blanco, con la forma verbal adecuada y hablamos sobre nuestra clase.
Para consolidar las nuevas estructuras que empleamos en inglés para expresar la posesión, leímos un texto acerca de Antonia. A parte de practicar la pronunciación y aprender nuevo vocabulario, los alumnos realizaron un ejercicio de comprensión lectora y otro auditivo (T4.11). Para concluir el tema, los alumnos deben realizar en casa una serie de oraciones en las que empleen el verbo "have", los adjetivos posesivos y 's, todo ello para hablar de un amigo suyo.
Acabamos la clase, revisando el deletreo en inglés y aprendiendo como decir la direcciones de correo electrónico. Escuchamos un audio (T.4.16) y a continuación contestamos unas preguntas de comprensión.
Homework: unit 4, ex.4-10.
Thursday, 22 November 2012
22nd November
A continuación, en el manual de clase, trabajamos el vocabulario de la familia, así como los posesivos. escuchamos a Elena hablar de su familia y completamos una tabla con los datos personales. Tras lo cual, trabajamos con el compañero una conversación para hablar sobre 2 miembros de sus familias y completamos una serie de oraciones con los adjetivos posesivos.
Acabamos la sesión, leyendo sobre Paddy y su familia. De este modo estudiamos el verbo "to have". Primero escucharon y leyeron un texto y a continuación corrigieron unas frases de verdadero y falso.
Ejercicios posesivo 's- haced ex.1 and 2
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
20th November
Durante la clase de hoy, estudiamos principalmente el vocabulario relacionado con la familia. En el libro de clase, los alumnos escucharon la pronunciación de diferentes familiares (T4.3) y a continuación realizaron una comprensión oral acerca de un determinado árbol familiar (T4.4). Para consolidar tanto el uso del genitivo y el vocabulario aprendido, los alumnos hicieron preguntas acerca de la familia anterior y también escucharon un audio en el que los alumnos debían deducir por los comentarios, de quién se trataba.
Por último, visualizamos un vídeo acerca de la boda real entre el príncipe William y Kate. Los alumnos trabajaron ejercicios de comprensión antes y después del vídeo (fotocopia "The royal wedding").
Sunday, 18 November 2012
15th November
Empezamos la clase corrigiendo un ejercicio pendiente. Se trataba de corregir los errores que los alumnos encontraban en una serie de frases. Para ello, primero debían negar la oración y a continuación escribir una nueva con la información adecuada (p.22, ex.3).
A continuación escuchamos una nueva entrevista con la banda "Metro 5". Los alumnos debían contestar una serie de preguntas y trabajar un diálogo parecido con información creada por ellos mismos.
Tras la actividad de "role play", acabamos la unidad 3, estudiando expresiones cotidianas en inglés, como decir que lo sientes, dar las gracias y contestar, etc..."I'm sorry, thanks a lot, that's Ok,etc..."
Comenzamos una nueva unidad del libro, unit 4. En ella trabajaremos el vocabulario de la familia y la expresión de posesión.
Empezamos leyendo un texto acerca de Annie Taylor y su familia, y contestamos unas preguntas de comprensión lectora. También completamos una tabla con los adjetivos posesivos y leímos la gramática acerca de la posesión en inglés con el genitivo "'s".
Los alumnos en casa, deben trabajar la fotocopia donde se les explica tanto el caso genitivo como el plural en inglés. Aquí os dejo unas diapositivas con dicha explicación del singular-plural.
Homework: WB unit 3, ex.13-18
Unit test 3
Skills test 3
Stop and check 1
Plurals in English- lee la explicación gramatical y estudia los irregulares.
Tuesday, 13 November 2012
13th November
En la clase de hoy seguimos trabajando las preguntas de si o no y las respuestas breves. Para ello, primero completamos una actividad oral pendiente de la clase anterior. Los alumnos por equipos debian crear el mayor número de preguntas posibles a partir de unas palabras predeterminadas y contestar con respuestas breves.
A continuación realizamos una audiciónn (t 3.9) con la que los alumnp debíanan completar una tabla con la informaciónn que escuchaban y no tengan. Para cerrar dicha actividad de comprensión, hicimos preguntas al compañero acerca del contenido del audio e hicimos preguntas similares pero de carácter personal.
Como trabajo en casa deben redactar los datos recogidos en la entrevista al compañero de clase y entregarlo al profesor.
Continuamos la clase tratando un nuevo punto gramatical:el pronombre personal we. Este hace referencia a nosotros.
Leímos primero un texto acerca de la banda musical Metro 5 y contestamos a unas preguntas acerca de él. Como tarea los alumnos deben corregir las oraciones del ejercicio 3.
Thursday, 8 November 2012
8th November
Durante la sesión de hoy, continuamos trabajando el vocabulario y las estructuras gramaticales relacionadas con el tema de las profesiones.
En esta ocasión aprendimos a negar:
He isn't a student
She isn't a nurse
Y a dar respuestas cortas a las preguntas si o no. (yes/no questions).
Is he a student? No, he isn't
Is she a doctor? Yes, she is
Para practicar las nuevas estructuras, leímos el perfil en Internet de Ellie. Después completamos una serie de preguntas y contestamos otras acerca del texto leído.
Para finalizar, seguimos trabajando las negativas en inglés pero con I /
Los alumnos leyeron un texto sobre una banda musical. Escucharon (t.3.6) y completaron la entrevista y practicaron las nuevas formas verbales realizando un diálogo similar pero con datos personales.
Homework: WB unit 3,ex. 1,2,3-6.
Wednesday, 7 November 2012
5th November
Durante la sesión de hoy, terminamos los ejercicios relacionados con el alfabeto. Primero escuchamos varias personas deletreando sus nombres y apellidos, los alumnos debían escribirlos en el libro (t.4.14), y a continuación practicamos preguntando y deletreando nuestros nombres y apellidos.
También estudiamos otro de los usos del deletreo: las siglas. Deletreamos acrónimos frecuentes en inglés y buscamos su significado (t.4.15)
Para consolidar todas las estructuras aprendidas hasta el momento en clase, hicimos un ejercicio que consistía en escuchar y rellenar un formulario con los datos personales que oyéramos. Tras la audición los alumnos debían realizar una tarea similar.(That's English t.29)
Finalizamos la clase iniciando una nueva unidad, Unit 3. En esta lección trabajaremos el vocabulario relacionado con los trabajos.
Para empezar, unimos los trabajos con las fotos, preguntamos por la profesión y completamos una fotocopia con más vocabulario.
Para preguntar a qué se dedica una persona podemos utilizar 2 estructuras:
Visualiza el video de la pestaña"videos" publicado el 5th November. ¿Puedes identificar las profesiones de estas personas?
Wednesday, 31 October 2012
30th October
continuamos con la unidad 5 del manual de clase. En la p.36, se trata el tema de los idiomas y las nacionalidades. En el primer ejercicio debían unir países y sus nacionalidades, a continuación escuchaban ,comprobaban y prestaban atención a la pronunciación (audio T5.10). También realizaron un ejercicio de deducción mirando unas fotografías y expresando su opinión acerca de la nacionalidad de las personas:
A continuación realizaron una actividad similar pero pero con los países y sus idiomas(ex.3). Para ello aprendimos una nueva estructura (t5.11)
Aprovechando la celebración de Halloween, los alumnos trabajaron unas diapositivas en clase. Primero estudiamos el alfabeto en inglés y su pronunciación. Practicamos el deletreo con palabras relacionadas con Halloween, clasificamos dicho vocabulario de acuerdo con su formación del plural. Halloween for Dummies por último escuchamos varias personas deletreando nombres y apellidos e intentamos escribirlos.
Homework: aprende a deletrear tu nombre
Friday, 26 October 2012
25th October
Empezamos la sesión de hoy, recordando los diálogos de la clase anterior, donde los interlocutores expresaban sus sentimientos acerca de lugares emblemáticos de la ciudad.
Para consolidar dichas estructuras exclamativas, primero visualizamos unas diapositivas con las que los alumnos expresaban su opinión acerca de ellas y a continuación realizamos una actividad oral en la que debían inventar un diálogo con el compañero acerca de unas fotos que se les entregó.
Continuamos la clase repasando los números del 0-10 y aprendiendo del 11-30. Tras los ejercicios de prácticas del libro, jugamos al bingo en clase y así reforzamos las nuevas cifras.
También realizamos un audio con el que los alumnos aprendieron nuevas estructuras con las que preguntar y responder a la edad, cómo expresar su opinión y la aproximación a cantidades (Audio 2.15)
Homework: WB Unit 2, ex.10-14,15-17,18-22.
Unit test 2
Skills test Unit 2
Wednesday, 24 October 2012
23rd October
Durante la clase de hoy, repasamos los países y aprendimos a decir muchas ciudades del mundo. Para ello, practicamos las estructuras de pregunta en 3ª persona singular "it".
Para él:
Para consolidar las nuevas estructuras gramaticales, primero realizamos un ejercicio de unir preguntas y respuestas y a continuación otro de elegir al opción correcta.
Para cerrar el tema de países, leímos un texto en la pág. 16 y contestamos a unas preguntas de comprensión. Trabajamos las preguntas en 3ª persona singular (he/she/it) y presentamos la forma del plural (they).
Saturday, 20 October 2012
18th October
Empezamos la unidad 2 del manual de clase. Durante esta unidad aprenderemos los países, los pronombres personales de tercera persona del singular y sus posesivos, así como a preguntar el origen de las personas y/o cosas y expresar nuestra opinión sobre determinadas cosas.
En la primera actividad (Starter) localizamos los países en el mapa y luego escuchamos su pronunciación (T.2.1)
A continuación leímos un diálogo en el que sus personajes se preguntaban el origen y contestaban también. (T.2.2/T2.3).
De este modo pudimos identificar la diferencias entre he/she o his/her para chico o chica. También se hizo hincapié en la diferente pronunciación entre:
Las estructuras trabajadas en las preguntas fueron:
Por último visualizamos un vídeo donde varias personas decían su nombre y país de origen (video podcast).
Homework: WB unit 2, ex.1-7
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
16th October
Empezamos la clase de hoy repasando los números del 0-10. Para ello, los alumnos hicieron una actividad oral que consistía en preguntar los números de teléfono a sus compañeros y descubrir qué cifra estaba mal. Además se les pidió que repasaran las estructuras aprendidas en sesiones anteriores, como saludarse, preguntar el nombre, etc...
Continuamos aprendiendo a preguntar por la identidad de las cosas en inglés, mediante 2 estructuras:
Trabajamos el vocabulario de las cosas pequeñas(small things) y de la clase (things in the classroom) con la ayuda de una fotocopia y del ejercicio 1 de la página 10 del manual.
En el libro pudimos también repasar los números en inglés, pero esta vez escritos en letra y por último los alumnos tuvieron una pequeña introducción a la fonética y pronunciación en inglés y así aprendieron acerca del plural en inglés.(-s/-es).
Homework: Unit 1, ex.6, 9-10.
Id a la pestaña de documentos y os podéis descargar los tests de la unidad 1. Unit test 1 y Skills test 1.
Friday, 12 October 2012
11th October
Wednesday, 10 October 2012
9th October
Durante la clase de hoy repasamos como saludar, preguntar el nombre y aprendimos nuevas expresiones relacionadas con los saludos y las presentaciones.
Empezamos el manual de clase. Leímos y escuchamos una conversación (T 1.2) entre dos estudiantes En este diálogo observamos que en el lenguaje oral se prefieren las formas contraítas a las completas. De este modo decimos:
En un segundo diálogo (T 1.3) aprendimos a presentar a una tercera persona. Para ello en inglés utilizamos la estructura:
Y también observamos que en una conversación dentro de un contexto formal (T 1.4) se utiliza el nombre y apellido y cerramos las presentaciones con un:
Tras las presentaciones estudiamos a interesarnos por nuestros interlocutores y a preguntarles:
Acabamos la clase visualizando un vídeo donde varias personas eran entrevistadas y además de decir su nombre utilizaban ootras expresiones alternativas a Nice to meet you (Pleased to meet you, Good to see/meet you) y How are you? (How do you do?,How are you doing?).Video Real English 1
En nuestra próxima sesión continuaremos con los saludos en diferentes partes del día y a despedirnos.
Homework: Unit 1, exercises 1,2,3,4,5
Friday, 5 October 2012
4th October
Durante la primera sesión del curso trabajamos el inglés como lenguaje internacional. Para demostrar que esto es así los alumnos realizaron una actividad en equipo : Mind Reader. En pareja, observaban una fotografía y debían escribir 5 palabras en inglés relacionadas con dicha foto. A continuación, comparaban las listas y si coincidían en alguna palabra, conseguían 1 punto.
Tras dicha actividad, trabajamos una fotocopia "International English". Los alumnos unían unas fotos con sus nombres en inglés.
Después, aprendimos el vocabulario necesario para seguir las instrucciones en clase (Classroom language). Para ello, primero observamos unas fotos y las unimos con las órdenes a las que hacían referencia, y a continuación escuchamos 2 conversaciones donde se incluían algunas de las palabras del nuevo vocabulario y los alumnos debían subrayar la respuesta correcta.
Para terminar, aprendimos a presentarnos y preguntar el nombre de nuestros compañero, utilizando la siguiente frase:
Wednesday, 27 June 2012
Matrícula para el nuevo curso y exámenes septiembre
Del 1-15 de julio
Exámenes de septiembre:
5 septiembre
Comprensión lectora 16.00- 16.30 hrs
Comprensión oral 16.30- 16.50 hrs
Expresión escrita 16.50-17.20 hrs
13 septiembre
Expresión oral 18.00 hrs
Monday, 18 June 2012
Exámenes Junio
Usuario: nº matrícula
Contraseña: DNI sin letra
A partir de esta tarde podéis también consultarlas en el panel del IES Claudio Prieto.
Para cualquier duda o reclamación recordad la fecha del 25 junio de 16.30 a 17.30.
Los alumnos que tengan alguna destreza suspensa (comprensión escrita, oral...) se presentarán en septiembre sólo con dicha destreza. Se conserva la nota de las partes aprobadas.
Consultar fechas y horarios de los exámenes de septiembre en el panel de la escuela o desde la página web.
Wednesday, 6 June 2012
Tuesday, 5 June 2012
Monday, 4 June 2012
Audios prueba examen
Thursday, 31 May 2012
Thursday 31st May
Wednesday, 30 May 2012
Tuesday 29th May
Saturday, 26 May 2012
Thursday 24th May
We started a new unit, unit 14. This is the last unit from the book and here we will study the future and we will revise the grammar and the vocabulary we studied during the course.
First we identified different forms of transport and elicit that the preposition we use before them is "by".
I travel by car
I like travelling by train
We read a text about Bill and Gloria Bigelow. They travelled around Europe and they visited 7 countries in 7 days.
We revised the vocabulary related to countries and 2 different ways of talkiing about the future plans:
Present continous: They're flying to Europe tomorrow
Going to: They're going on a bus tour
After reading we completed some sentences with the missing information and studied how to make questions with these two new verbal structures.
Then, we revised the wh-questions. We read a conversation on p.106 and completed it with the question words given, to consolidate this topic, we practice asking questions about the text.
We finished the class reading 3 texts in the present,past and future forms, p.108. The students compared the different tenses studied this year: how to make positive sentences, questions, and negations.
Present simple:
I study English
She doesn't like English
Does he play tennis?
Present continuous:
I'm studying English
She isn't studying English
Are they studying English?
Going to:
I'm going to study English next year
She isn't going to study English next year
Are you study English next year?
Past simple:
I studied English at the school
He didn't study English at the school
Did you study English at the school?
For next day do the pronunciation exercise on p.107 (ex.4,5)
Homework: Finish WB Unit 13
Unit test 13, skills test 13.
Start WB unit 14
Friday, 18 May 2012
Thursday 17th May
I often go to the gym after English classes, but today I'm staying at home.
We completed a text from p.98 with the present simple forms and then we read another one written in the present continuous. We compared both texts and check that the first made reference to Nigel's working life (routine) and the second to Nigel on holiday (extraordinay).
To comsolidate these two verb froms we completed some pairs of sentences with the correct tense(ex.5, p.99).
We finished the class studying new vocabulary. First, opposite verbs (p.102) and then, some common expressions used to explain how we feel and what the problem is (EVERYDAY ENGLISH p.103).
Homework: WB Unit 13 ex.8,9,10.
Read the text on p.105
Wednesday, 16 May 2012
Tuesday 15th May
We finished unit 12 revising the vocabulary related to food. The students had to tell the rest of the class about a text they read at home (p.92-93) and then discuss about healthy diets.
Then, we started a new unit. In unit 13 we revised the colours and learnt the vocabulary of clothes. We practised the new vocabulary describing someone in the class and guessing who s/he was.
After that, we read the description of some people at a picture and the students had to complete it with words of colours and clothes and point to them.
We studied a new grammar point: the present continuous. We use the present continuous to describe what is happening now.
We make the present continuous with the present simple of the verb to be : am/is/are + verb + -ing.
We finished the class asking questions about some pictures on p.98. The students were asked "What is s/he doing?", and they had to describe the action in the picture: He's cooking, He's driving...
For next day read the text on p.101.
Homework: Unit 12, ex.8-15
Unit test 12, skills test 12.
Unit 13, ex.1-5
Saturday, 12 May 2012
Thursday 10th May
We continued studying the new grammar struture "would like".
First we listened to Adam in 2 different conversations: the students had to guess where he was and what he wanted (ex.2,p.89), T12.3, and then complete 2 different dialogues (ex.3,p.89),T.12.4.
We learnt to distingish like/would like.
Like refers to always and it's followed by a verb in -ing
I like going to the cinema
Would like refers to now or soon and it's followed by to+verb
I'd like to go to the cinema tonight.
We listened to a conversation and the students had to complete the dialogue with these 2 structures (ex.2,p.90),T.12.5, and complete a chart with people's wishes(ex.3,p.90), T12.6.
We finished this topic taolking about us. The students had to work with a partner and make questions with would like/like.
Would you like to go to the cimea? Yes,I would/No, I wouldn't.
Do you like going to the cinema? Yes, I do/ No,I don't.
Finally, we studied some vocabulary related to food. We matched food with some pictures and then we read a menu and chose our favourite dish. We finished the class listening to a conversation in a restaurant and wrote the names of the people who talked(ex.2,p.94), T.12.9.
Homework: Photocopy food
WB Unit 12, ex.1-10.
Wednesday, 9 May 2012
Tuesday 8th May
We started the session correcting the pending exercises from the photocopy, the students had to complete them with the correct form of the adverbs. Then we corrected the exercises from the book p.86 (adjectives+nouns) and watched a video to consolidate the vocabulary related to (can/can't)
Go to videos section on the blog to watch it again.
The students have to work at home the reading text about "the Internet".
You can also work out the listening exercises, you have to download T.11.8,T.11.9.
We continued the class talking about everyday problems. Students pay attention to some photos on p.87, first they said where there people were and explained what the problem was and finally matched some sentences to those photos. Then we listen to 6 different conversations and completed the dialogues (t.11.11).
We started a new unit, unit12. We learnt that the expression I would like (I'd like) is the polite form of "I want" and also the uses of some/any with countable and uncountable nouns.
To practice the new grammar we did ex.1,2 from pp.88,89 and completed the missing information.
Practise online some/any
Homework: WB Unit 11,ex12-16
Word list
Unit Test 11
Skills test 11
Thursday, 3 May 2012
Thursday 3rd May
Then, we tried to distinguished between can/can't. The students listened to some sentences and had to underline the correct verb (t.11.5). We continued the lesson listening to Jenni talking about the things she can/can't do. The students listened and ticked the correct activities and completed some sentences with adverbs of manner.(t.11.6).
We studied how to use and form adverbs in English: We have some irregular adverbs which need to be learnt, like "well, fast, hard", and the regular which are formed from adjectives adding -ly at the end, for example, "happily, carefully".
We finished the class revising another possible meaning of the verb can/can't : a request. We use it to ask for things. Can I have a coffee,please?
First they had to reorder some words to make sentences and then, they had to match those questions to possible answers (t.11.7).
Homework: Photocopy- adverbs (8D), ex.a,b
Check it!,p.83
p.86, ex.2,3 (adjectives+noun)
WB Unit 11, ex.5-8
Practise nline:
questions with can
Thursday, 26 April 2012
Thursday 26th April
We continued studying a new lesson: unit 11. During this lesson we are going to learn about the verb can/can't. The verb "can" has different values: it expresses ability, possibility and permission.
First we matched the photos with the professions and then we completed the sentences which expressed the ability of these people. (t.11.4)
Then we learnt the different pronunciations of this verb and listened to Dominque and Oliver conversation. The students had to complete the dialogue with the information they heard.
Finally, we studied the other meaning of the verb "can": permission. We went to p.95 to learn about sign around the world. We identified the signs and then we wrote what they meant.
Homework: WB unit 10, ex.15-18
Word list
Unit test 20, Skills test 10, Progress test 2, Stop and check 3
WB unit 11, ex.1-4
Practise online:
can, can't
Wednesday, 25 April 2012
Tuesday, 24th April
We started the lesson correcting the vocabulary exercises about "go, have and get". Then, we went to the book on p.77 and studied a new section.
First, we remembered the months of the years and the seasons and then we listened to Jack and Millie talking about hteir holidays (t.10.9). With this activity we could practise and compare the uses and the form of the oresent simple and the past simple.
In this exercise (ex.3), the students had to underline the correct information, after that, we ask questions to our partners about their usual holidays and their last holidays. TYo finish this section ,we completed some sentences with the past form of the verbs ann according to the information we wrote in the prevoius exercises. Then, we listened and checked (t.10.10)
We continued the class speaking about our last holiday. First, we ticked and crossed those activities we like/don't like doing on holiday and then we explained it to our classmates asking and answering questions.
To finish the class, we listened to some conversations in a Tourist Office and the students had to complete the dialogues (t.10.11).
Homework: Writing about your last holiday. (80 words)/ entrega: 8th May
Photocopy: Town and city
Workbook: unit 10, ex.13,14
Tuesday, 24 April 2012
Monday, 23 April 2012
Friday, 20 April 2012
Thursday 19th April
We started the lesson correcting the grammar exercises about the simple past. Then, we went to the book on p.74 and studied a new section. First, we read some activities in a questionnaire and found the picture in the book and then we completed the questionnaire putting a tick on those activities we did last weekend, we also asked the teacher and the classmates about hteir last weekend.
After that, we learnt how to make a conversation. We read some phrases and completed the reply to those sentences writing a question in the past tense. We listened a checked (T.10.7), the we read a dialogue and the students had to write a similar dialogue using their ideas.(T 10.8)
We finished the class studying the vocabulary related to sport and leisure, and also the correct verb they need in each case.
We use the verb "go" before those sports and activities whcih end in -ing, for example:
We also learn a third verb "do" which is used with the rest of sports or activities.For example,
My child does judo after class
They do gymnastics at the school
Homework: Coursebook, page 75, ex.8,9
Photocopy: go,have, get
Workbook: unit 10, ex.9,10,11,12
Thursday, 19 April 2012
Wednesday, 18 April 2012
Tuesday 17th April
During this session we studied how to make questions and negative sentences in the past simple.
We have to follow the same rule as in the present simple.
To make questions in the past, we use the auxiliary verb "did" and the word order is the following:
(Wh.question)+ did + subject + verb (in the infinitive form)?
What +did+you+ do+ yesterday?
To make negative sentences in the past time, we need the auxiliasry verb "didn't".
subject+ didn't + verb (in the infinitive form)
I +didn't +go+ to the cinema
First, we listened to Angie and Rick talking about their weekend (T.10.3). the students had to complete the dialogue with the missing words (p.73, ex.1).
Then, we had to write some incomplete questions in the past form and answered them according to the information we listened in ex.3(T.10.5).
And finally, we wrote about what Angie and Rick didn't do last weekend (ex.4/5).(T.10.6)
To consolidate the new grammar point, we did a role-play activity. The students had to make questions about Jane and Paul's yesterday activities looking at the pictures of their flats.
Homework: Grammar exercises from the photocopy about the past tense.(5B/C)
Workbook unit 10, ex.5-8
Practise online:
Simple Past Tense 1/1 - exercises for beginners WAS/WERE, by Zsuzsapszi
Find this and other past simple exercises in English Exercises .org 2 Exercises/59 examples of Past Simple, by Irina
Find this and other past simple exercises in English Exercises .org Negative sentences in Simple Past Tense, by Marie Colon
Find this and other past simple exercises in English Exercises .org Simple Past - Regular and Irregular Verbs, by Telma Santos
Find this and other past simple exercises in English Exercises .org
Monday, 16 April 2012
Cloze tests
Thursday, 5 April 2012
Tuesday 3rd April
During this lesson we studied the past tense of the verbal form There is/are= there was/were. Then, we revised the prepositions of time: in,on,at.
We continued with unit 10. We studied the past tense of regular verbs. To form the past time of the regular verbs, we have to add the suffix -ed. To practise all type of verbs, we listened to Angie talking about her last Sunday (10.1) and finally we told our classmates about what we did on Sunday.
Homework:WB unit 10, ex.1-4
Unit test 9, skills test 9
Saturday, 31 March 2012
Thursday 29th March
We have to learn their form because, normally, there is an important difference between the present and the past spelling.
We started matching the present and the past of a list of verbs and then we read a text about the artist "Jackson Pollock". The students had to macth some pictures with the description of them and finally complete a text with the verbs into the past form.
After that, we review some common expressions with the verbs "go,have,do". But now in the past.
We finish the session studying the months of the year and the ordinal numbers: first,second third, forth...
Homework: Unit 9, ex.10,11,12.
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
Tuesday 27th March
We continue studying the past tense of the verb to be: was/were. To start with, the students have to ask questions to their classmates about their age, the date and place of birth.
Then, we listen to Magalie talking about her family and the students have to note down the year when they were born, besides, they need to pay attention to the family relationships. (t.9.6). After that, they ask and answer questions about Magalie's family. To finish with this topic, the students receive an incomplete photocopy with pictures of famous people on it. They need to complete it asking basic questions in the past form, like:
-Who was he/she?
-When was he/she born?
-Where was he/she born?
-What was his/her job?
In the next section, we focus on some pictures of famous people and match the professions and the names, then we listen to their dates of birth and complete the gaps with the information.
We finish the class writing the negative form of the verb to be in the past wasn't/weren't. We have to correct some incorrect information about the people from the book and then we talk about today and yesterday, and we can compare the use of the present/past form of the verb to be.
Homework, Unit 9, ex.1-9
Friday, 23 March 2012
Tuesday 22nd March
We finish lesson 8 studying how to ask for and give directions. We learn some basic structures like: "turn right/left; go straight on".
We listen to some directions and the students have to follow the instructions to find a place on the map (t.8.12).
Then we practise in class with some speaking activities. We try to locate some points in the map from the book and to do so, we use a quesrion to ask our classmates:
-Excuse me, is the a museum,theatre,park...near here?
Then we ask about places in Guardo and use another question:
-How do I get to...the bus station,the supermarket...?
To finish this topic we do a role-play activity, in which the students receive an incomplete map, they need to ask their partners about some missing places on the map so they can complete it.
Then, we move to a new unit in the book, unit 9.In this unit we see the past form of the verb "to be": was/were, but we mainly work how to day the years in English.
We learn that they can be said two by two: for example, 1996= nineteen(19), ninety-six(96) or as a complete figure of 4 digits, for ex., 2005=two thousand and five.
Finally, we focus on the photos of Jane Austen and Luciano Pavarotti. We listen and complete the year when they were born.
Homework:WB Unit 8 ex.10-12;14-18
Unit 8- Test; Skills test
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
Tuesday 20th March
During this lesson we read and talk about Vancouver, a city in south-west Canada.The students after the text, they put the headings at the beginning of each paragraph. Then we answer some comprehension questions and complete a chart with the adjectives that describe some pleces in Vancouver.
We continue the session listening to Steve talking about his city (t.810, t.8.11), and the students have to answer some questions about where he lives, what he likes,etc...
We finish the class asking questions about our home town and for homework, The students have to write a composition about a town they know. They need to use the guide on p.62, ex.5 (50 words).
Homework: workbook, Unit 8, ex.9,13.
Friday, 16 March 2012
Semana Cultural
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
Tuesday 13th March
During this lesson we continue studying the prepositions of place. The students have to pay attention to Robert's room and say where the things are. They need to complete some sentences with the correct preposition: in, on, under and next to. Then, they have to ask their classmates about other things in the room. We can practise the questions form:
1.Where is the CD player?
2.Where are the trainers?
And the answers:
1.It's oon the desk
2.They're under the bed.
In the practice section we review questions and answers. The students have to reorder some words to form a question. When they finish they have to answer those questions.
We continue with a "find the difference" activity. Students work in pairs, they have to describe two pictures and find differences. Then we listen to a description of one of the room and they have to say which room it is.(T8.8)
To finish the class and consolidate the prepositions of place, they play hide and seek and they do a crossword.
-For next Tuesday 20th March: Read the text on p.61 about Vancouver and do the exercise 3 on p.60.
Saturday, 10 March 2012
Tea Party
Tea party
15th March-18:00 hrs (Bring your own food)
Enjoy the party!
Book crossing!!
Semana Cultural- Guardo
Friday, 9 March 2012
Thursday 8th March
Negative: There isn't any paper/There aren't any books in class
Interrogative: Is there any paper?/Are there any books in class?
Short answers: Yes, there is/ No, there aren't
We also learn the differences between between some and any. They are both the plural form of the article a/an, but we use any in the interrogative and negative structures.
We consolidate the new vocabulary and grammar with a card game. The students practice the request (Can I have...?) and also There is/There are.
We go back to the book and continue asking and answering questions about Robert's living room and then, we listen to a conversation between his mother and him and the students have to answer some comprehension questions.(T.8.5)
We finally introduce a new grammar point: prepositions of place and we learn the differences between in/on, under/next to...
Wednesday, 7 March 2012
Publicadas fechas de exámenes en junio : 1NB- 12 junio, 16.30hrs.
Tuesday 6th March March
We start the lesson doing a speaking activity to revise the expressions of request: Can I...? And a listening comprehension exercise in which the students have to guess the place the tourists are and what they buy.(audios requests 1/2)
Then we continue with a new unit from the book, unit 8. In this unit we will study the vocabulary of the house, prepositions of place, there is/are and how to give directions.
To introduce the topic, we ask our classmates about the place where they live, and ask: Do you live in a house or a flat? Do you have a garden or a balcony?
After that, we look at some pictures and identify the rooms in a house and the furniture (things in the house).We complete our wordlist with a complete photocopy.
To finish the lesson, we read and listen to Robert talking about his living room. We complete a text and talk about it.(T.8.3)
Saturday, 3 March 2012
Thursday 1st March
We start the lesson completing and singing the song form Roy Orbison "Pretty Woman".
We finish unit 7 in the coursebook. We study the section "Everyday English" and we learn to make requests in English:
Can I...?
We first focus attention to some photos of a girl in different places and situations. Then we match the names of those places and the activities to the photos.
We continue listening to some conversations of the girl in different places in town. SS have to guess where is she and what she wants.(T7.9)
Then we complete 5 coversation with the partner and listen to the CD to check if we are right.(T7.10)
We finish the session working with our clkassmate. We have to right a dialogue in which students have to practise requests with CAn I...? and possible answers.
Homework: WB unit 7, ex.11
Don't forget! (ex.12-14
Wordlist (student's book)
Unit test 7- skills test.
Wednesday, 29 February 2012
Tuesday 28th February
We start a new section from unit 7. We study the adjectives in English. We learn that adjectives come before the noun they qualify and they do not have plural form.
We also study some adjectives and their opposites, the colours and how to qualify adjectives with adverbs, for example: quite, very, not quite and really.
In the book, we do some exercises where we have to match pictures and the adjectives that describe them. Then we listen to some conversations and the students have to complete the sentences with some words and finally to consolidate the new vocabulary we play a "Pictionary" game. Students have to pick up two cards (adjective+noun) and draw a picture. Then, their classmates have to guess what it represents.
We finish the session reading a postcard. Students read and listen to a postcard from Ruben and Pasha. We learn some new vocabulary and answer some comprehension questions about the text. Students have to do the same activity at home. They have to write a postcard: they are on holiday in a city/town. They have to talk about the place, the buildings, the people, the food, etc.
Homework Unit 7, ex.10
Friday, 24 February 2012
Thursday 23rd February
We start the lesson studying the possessive pronouns. We read the grammar point and do some practical exercises.
Then we go back to the book and start a new section. In this case we learn about demonstratives this /that.
This indicates proximity and that distance.
This is my book (it's next to me)
That's your book (it's not near to me)
We complete the gaps from the dialogues on p.50, ex.1 and practise the new words with an oral activity.
We continue the lesson revising the object pronouns and we complete some sentences with these pronouns and practise them orally asking questions to our partners:
Do you like football?
No, I hate it
Do you like dogs?
Yes, I adore them.
Then we study why-questions and their answer, (Because...) and finally we match some questions with their possible and logical answers.
To consolidate the new vocabulary and grammatical structures, students do some oral practice exercises, asking and answering personal questions to their classmates.
Click on the topic 238. Practise possessives (adjectives, pronouns and 's)
Sunday, 19 February 2012
Read and do the exercises:
personal pronouns
subject pronouns
object pronouns
Friday, 17 February 2012
Thursday 16 th February
We start unit 7 in the book.
Students ask questions to their partners about their favourite food, drink, sports, etc...and they can revise the vocabulary and the structures we studied in class.
Then, we read and listen to a text about Gina Macy, a fashion model(t.7.1). After reading the text, the students have to answer some questions about her favourite things and complete some sentences with question words (what,where, how...). Then, we listen and compare the answers(t.7.2).
We continue the lesson studying the object pronouns. The students receive a photocopy with the grammar of these new pronouns. They learn that they come after the verb and prepositions:
I like her
I go with him
We complete some sentences about the text with possessive adjectives and objects pronouns and correct the information about Gina(t.7.3).
We finish the lesson revising the question words and their possible answers and completing a chart with all the pronouns studied in class.
Homework Unit 7, ex.1, ex.6-8
Wednesday, 15 February 2012
Tuesday 14th February
Happy St. Valentine,
We celebrate St. Valentine day listening to a love song, but a very special love song from "The Cure" (Friday I'm in love, ver sección de videos).They also revise the days of the week. In this activity they have to order the song and sing along.
We continue with unit 6 in the book and we finish that lesson watching the episode number 2 from the coursebook video. In this case, Jane wants to make a video film for her sister Ali about her housemates. Students watch the video and they do some comprehension exercises.
Friday, 3 February 2012
Thursday 2nd February
We finish unit 6. We revise the prepositions of time: in,on,at. Students do the exercise 4 from the coursebook.
We also review the vocabulary of professions with a matching exercise. Students have to match the name of the job with its definition.
Then we do a listening exercise to practise before the exam, and ,at home, they have to complete 2 texts with some words. Here is the solution:
1.AN 2.IN 3.UP 4.A 5.FOR 6.FROM 7.TO 8.AT 9.TO 10.BY 11.HER 12.IN 13.-
14.- 15.TO 16.THE 17.- 18.AT 19.- 20.ON
1.ARE 2.IN 3.HER 4.HE 5.IS 6.BUT 7.HAVE 8.AND 9.DON'T 10.AREN'T 11.LIKE 12.HER
WB UNIT 6, EX.12,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23.
UNIT TEST 6 (go to documents)
Wednesday, 1 February 2012
Tuesday 31st January
Hello everyone,
We continue the class talking about Lois and Elliot's day. The students have to correct some sentences about these two people. They practise the contrastive stress in the negative sentences. Notice:
She doesn't live in a flat. She lives in a house
We make emphasis on doesn't, flat and house. They are pronounced with stronger tone of voice. We want to correct the wrong information and clarify which is the correct one.
Then, Students revise the new vocabulary and grammatical structures asking and answering questions about 2 members of their family. We remark a new question word WHY. It's special because its answer has to start with the conjunction because. For example,
Why do you like pizza?
Because it's delicious.
To check what they know about do and does, they have to do a "CHECK IT" exercise on p.45.
We continue the class studying words that go together in English. Students try to match verbs with some words to form what in English we call collocations, and to practise them orally they complete a questionnaire about their partner's lifestyle (p.46).
They revise the frequency adverbs and the 3rd person singular.
To finish the class we study the days of the week and other expressions related to them and the prepositions of time :on, in, at.
at nine o'clock
on Sunday
in the morning
Students have to write sentences about their partner's lifestyle (ex.4, p.46)
Friday, 27 January 2012
Thursday 26th January
Then, we revise the negative form of the present simple and we finish completing a chart with the verb to work in positive, negative and interrogative form.
To practise questions and answers in present simple, we do a speaking activity. Students work in pairs and complete the information about the daily routines of different people (A day in the life...)
We continue with the book and go to next page. Students read about Lois's day (Elliot's sister) and complete the text with correct form of the verbs. Then, we listen and check.
To finish the lesson, we listen to a conversation between Elliot and Lois. Students have to complete the dialogue.
WB unit 6, ex,7
Wednesday, 25 January 2012
Tuesday 24th January
We start the session revising the time. Students have to talk about daily routines and the time they do those activities.
Then, we go to the book on p.42 and read a text about Elliot's day.
After reading the text, students have to complete 8 sentences with correct the times (ex.2).
Students learn how to form the 3rd person singular of the English verbs in the present simple tense and the meaning of the frequency adverbs : always, sometimes, never.
They practise the pronunciation of the final -s of these verbs (ex.3) and how to form questions and negative sentences in the 3rd person singular (ex.4):
What time does he get up?
He doesn't go out in the evening
WB, unit 6, ex.5,6,11
Practise online
Present simple
Questions 1
Questions 2
Monday, 23 January 2012
Febrero 2012
Sunday, 22 January 2012
Thursday 19th January
We start the class studying a new form to tell the time: the analogue time. Examples:
11.20 It's twenty past eleven
11.50 It's ten to twelve
11.15 It's quarter past eleven
11.45 It's quarter to twelve
11.30 It's half past eleven
To practise these new structures, students repeat the photocopy from the previous class. Then, they listen to Vicky and write down the seven times they hear and finally, they watch a video from Real English and pay attention to some people telling the time.
We continue the class with the book, on p.41, students listen to Kim talking about her schooldays. They have to circle the times they hear. Then, they learn how to talk about their day. We study the verbs that describe habits and routines. To consolidate the new vocabulary students ask and anwer their partners about their day. They use expressionslike:
What time do you get up? I get up at seven o'clock.
Workbook unit 6, Ex. 1-4.
Wednesday, 18 January 2012
Tuesday 17th January
Hello everyone,
We finish lesson 5 with an activity from a photocopy "Sandwich bar".With this photocopy students revise the food and the prices. They first listen to a boy reading a menu from a sandwich bar, then they complete the menu with the missing information. After that, they listen to a woman decribing how to prepare a chicken sandwich and they have to practise the new structures inventing a new sandwich and telling it to their partners.
After these exercises, we start unit 6. Students are going to study how to tell the time in English. They first learn how to tell the digital time. They ask their classmates the question:
What time is it?
ANd they answer :
In the digital time we first tell the hour and then the minutes, for example:
9:45- It's nine forty-five
10:15 - It's ten fifteen
04:30 - It's four thirty
03:00 - It's three o'clock
Students practise asking and telling the time in ex. 2, p.40; and with a photocopy where they have to complete the clocks with the times their classmates tell.
Friday, 13 January 2012
Thursday 12th January
Thursday 12 th January
Hello everyone,
We continue studying Unit 5. We start the lesson completing the photocopy named " Crazy party". Then, we go to the book and listen to Flavia and Terry conversation. Students have to tick the correct sentences that Terry says.(t.5.13)
After this exercise, Students practise the new structures with their classmates. They complete questions from exercise 3 and imagine a new identity to use at a party. Then they role-play the conversation in class.
We continue the lesson revising the numbers from 1-30 and we learn numbers from 30 to 100.
Students practise saying and writing numbers with their partners, ex.3.
Numbers are useful in English to say the prices. Students read and listen to some prices and then tick on the ones.(ex.6,T.5.17). To consolidate this new vocabulary they play a type of "The price is right" game, where they have to say the right price of some articles.
WB. unit 5, ex.13-16; Don't forget!
Tests: Unit 5, skills test unit5; Progress test 1-5 (you can download these documents from the section names "Documents".
Play this game online. Help the kid to buy the toys. You have to give the shop assistant the exact sum of money.
How much is it?
Wednesday, 11 January 2012
Tuesday 10th January
Hello everyone,
We are studying Unit 5. We start the lesson revising natiolities and languages and the position of adjectives before a noun. For example, an Italian pizza; a French car...
We also study the constructions of phrases with the verbs: have, eat and drink. In the positive form:
We continue studying nationalities and food with a photocopy titled "Eating out". Students read about restautants in London and learn common expressions in a restaurant, like "Would you like anything to drink?", I'd like to pay, please.
To consolidate the new vocabulary, students practise the dialogues with their classmates.
We finish the session matching some cartoons with the right dialogues. These are common expressions at a party.
Do exercises from the Workbook, Unit 5, ex.11-12.
Go to Videos and play the Real English video again